
About this blog

Root beer is possibly my favourite soft drink but in the UK its difficult to buy due to its limited popularity. I've also discovered that there are hundreds of root beer brands and products just waiting to be sampled. This blog is about reviewing those I've tasted, where root beer products can be bought and anything else useful for the root beer connoisseur.

I first came across root beer as a teenager in the 1980's when McDonald's sold it. Back then I remember the unusual medicine taste. Sadly, it wasn't popular enough and they replaced it with Coca Cola and Fanta. Years later and some international travel under my belt I was able to rediscover root beer in the USA.

Actually, this blog was inspired by the presents I received Christmas 2013. My wife bought a selection of six different root beers explaining there were many more to sample from Cyber Candy, and my sister-in-law bought me the Do It Yourself Root Beer Kit, available from Firebox.

If you're bored of the mass-produced cola then root beer is the way to go!

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