
Thursday, 13 February 2014

Bundaberg root beer review

Apart from Carters being available in Asda, this is probably the next most easily available root beer in the UK being stocked in Waitrose supermarkets.

When I was in Australia last year I didn't really notice root beer stocked in shops but their ginger beer product was certainly more popular. Even as we traveled towards Bundaberg in Queensland I didn't see any shop selling it. Still, Australia's lose is the UK's gain. Perhaps its a case of Fosters Lager, a British brand being marketed as an Australian product?

Anyhoo, Bundaberg root beer is good or fair dunkum. The bottle is spiffy, feels like a real man's drink being in a stubby. It has an average root beer taste with the licorice root blending well. You're also getting more root beer too with a larger bottle at 375ml. One or two small newsagent or cornershops used to sell them in singular form but I haven't seen this in awhile now. So your only option is putting on some smart clothes and visiting your local Waitrose for a four pack.


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